

So I am at the airport, in tranquil reflection.I have spent the past week sitting on my ass, doing very little pick up.This is not such good thing because last night I was back to it…and let me tell you, the AA that arises from stagnancy sucks. I figure I will...

Lessons in Mastery!

With a title like this I feel I should slap my chest and listen to Antony Robbins tapes.But we all know the truth about him. He is a sick man, with a copper imbalance. Yes it is true, a student from Australia told me so! I like this when it is late at night and I have...


So it has been quite a few days.The Chicago Boot Camp for TMM has been great.Normally one will hear me talking about the Kung Fu Penis, but yesterdayDahunter actually got to have his penis Kung Fu-ed .A bit of a different technique, but still effective. But for now,...

LR the Kung Fu penis strikes again!

I can still smell this pussy on my dick,It is like sweet war prize.All crusted up like an old scratch and sniff sticker, but better because it actually contains DNA, and it is on my dick. It always makes me wonder before I lay a girl, ‘how the hell am I going to lay...

The Harem Theory

This is interesting…Really,I wonder. Dahunter and I just ate massive food, and I am sitting on a chair in his unlit living room, as 8 other dudes sleep soundly on the floor. What an opportunity! I am ecstatic.And of course I check my email, which only still gets it’s...