
[x_audio_player mp3=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/tslpodcast/The_Sexual_Life_0121.mp3″]

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TSL RADIO 121 | How to Meet Women & Be Totally Normal
(& have it work better than anything else)


How you can get a conversation with a woman without compromising yourself or looking like an immature kid with a chip on his shoulder.
Meet women and engage them with from doing the basics of ‘saying hello’.

EASY – Zero Skill Set Required (in fact that will help more than a guy who already knows everything)

5-15 mins to Learn, 1 Week – 1 Month to ‘Nail It’!

Adaptable for situation, personality and transitions to a complete life skill

First thing’s first.  No matter what your skill level is – Major Social Anxiety to a Seasoned PUA, take the pressure out of it.  Talking to people should be normal.  Exchange and interaction should be normal.  You should do it with everybody.  As we continue on this path we will show you that sex should be normal.

The Model We Cover –

1 – Opening 

GOAL – Engage someone for 10-15 seconds being normal, not using an extreme technique, and having them begin to open up.

2 – Elicit & Express What You Value

GOAL – Once the person has opened up, we elicit a part of them that they value or share a part of us that we value.  In the example we share a part of ourselves.  That is usually the best part to start with.

3 – Connect It

GOAL – If we can get someone to understand a part of ourselves, or we can show we understand a part of them then connection is easy.  Our goal is to get an exchange.

If we can do this we will be in the beginning of rapport and having a normal conversation.

Breakdown of the Audio –
[x_audio_player mp3=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/tslpodcast/The_Sexual_Life_0121.mp3″]

We open in the easiest way possible.  This is important for us to understand.  We want the result of conversational connection.  Do it in the easiest way you will get a result of that connection.  That means talking to women, men, store attendants and so on.  If you can get a conversational connection one a day with any old person, I have got my money on you, rather than the guy who is really into Pick Up, and only talks to the ‘hot chicks’.

Connection is always the same, with all people.  Learn that.  Talking to women you’re attracted to will automatically start to happen if you follow this road.   It won’t be a big deal that you’re freaking out about to the point of compromising who you are, in order to have the sex life you naturally deserve.

Opening – 

Approach anyone who is easy to talk to (man, woman, shop keeper and so on).  Make it as easy and simple as possible because that is the ultimate result you want – easy simple conversations.

Smile & Say Hello

“Hey how are you doing today, my name is (Fill in the Blank) nice to meet you…”
Shake their hand
At this point it may seem weird, so we are going to not run from that weird feeling but embrace it by ‘calling it out’

“You know it is always weird when you ‘say hello’ to someone and introduce yourself it is a weird moment, when it should be one of the more normal things to do…anyway, what’s you’re name?”

One of the keys to this is 1) Calling out the awkward moments and 2) Rather than running from the tension we are giving it a reason.  When you give someone a normal reason for meeting someone it makes connection a lot easier.

At this point is we are able to have them pay attention to us and take us seriously for a moment we are ready to move to the next part.

Eliciting & Expressing – 
Our goal in this is to have a real conversation with real parts of the person in front of us.  We do this by eliciting a part of them that they value or expressing a part of us that we value that they can understand.   No matter where you start the result should be that both get accomplished.  You expressing you, should result with them expressing them, and vise versa.

In our example we talk about expressing a part of ourselves to elicit a part of themselves.   We also talk about the What & the Meaning Behind the What.

This is simple.  When we think about things we value we think about the What – the specific thing we value.  Maybe that is playing music, or playing video games and so on.  Often times we think, this is not relatable to anybody.  No one, especially women, don’t understand what I want to talk about or what I am into.  This is where we stop, and that is where we make an unnecessary mistake.

I order to do this make a quick list of 1-3 things you really value –

For me that’s –

  • Family 
  • Work 
  • Passion

These are all the ‘What’s’ that people will either relate to or not.  However let’s dive into what those mean to me

Family – It gives me a sense of belonging, and unity.  I didn’t grow up with this belief because I didn’t have it and now it is such a great feeling and relief.

Work – It gives me a sense of purpose and meaning.  It is in many ways my greatest expression and I get to share it with so many people

Passion – I have many passions, and they’re always changing.  It can be fitness, working with others and so on, but it’s main thing is that it is the drive behind so many things, with many different faces.

People may not be able to relate with my specific – the What – but nearly everyone can relate to the meaning behind it, and through that I can find their ‘What’.

Check it out – 

If I can get someone to understand my relationship with my family, I don’t need to ask them about their family, but I can ask them about what gives them a sense of meaning and unity with others.

The Set Up 

“Hey I have a weird question for you, but I want to ask a stranger.  Plus a stranger usually gives me a more honest answer…”

Opening Qualifier 

“What is something that gives you a sense of community that you do everyday?”


“In my life I work from home and I work for myself and I talk to men about dating and relationships and on a daily basis it gives me a sense of unity and purpose.” 
Challenge (Second Qualifier) 

“So what do you do in your life that gives you that sense of unity?”

Connection – 

Connection is a phenomenon, it happens naturally when people start to ‘feel’ one another.  If I can get an honest answer from someone I am moving into Rapport.   So my goal here is for her to really honestly answer the challenge question that I ask.

Once I have a real connection with someone I can then steer the conversation in the right direction.  This is where Intent would go if we were working the road to seduction.

Here’s another example that we covered in the audio –

Opener – 

We pick an easy person to talk to because connection is our goal, not pressure of pick up

“Hey, how are you doing today…I am sorry I didn’t mean to scare you, but I always like to say hello to people and it is funny how that can seem odd to strangers”

Opening Qualifier –

This is only to help them understand you and open them up.  Usually it will confuse them. 

“This might sound weird, but I like asking people I don’t know what really makes you feel connected and grounded in life?”

Ground – 

“I know it is a deep question but let me explain, for me it is family, and when I was growing up I didn’t really have a family that did that for me.  Also family can mean something different for other people.  I never felt like I belonged.  But now I do and it is such a contrast, how it gives me insight to who I am and is behind my confidence sense of self.”

Challenge (Qualifier on the meaning) – 

“What in your life gives you a sense of meaning and purpose in your life?”

Wrap Up – 

Meeting women is the most normal thing you can do.  Seeing a woman and thinking of her sexually, wanting to talk to her, wanting to sleep with her, wanting to touch her and give herself to you is what you were born to do.  And for too long men have been afraid to show that and share it.

You don’t have to be a clown or some immature kid to get results.  In fact you’ll get better results following a path you can be proud of.  You don’t want expression of being social and sexual abnormal, so we follow this path.

If you really want an awesome extra bonus,

We have included a FREE TSL Quick Guide on Seducing the Female Mind

This ties directly into the lesson today, however taking it a massive step further.

We take what and how a woman thinks, and turn it into conversation that will immediately speak to her sexual side and will allow you to follow a similar template as in this episode but will leave you talk, and connecting to her deepest sexual side.

Download Seducing the Female Mind for Free Right Here

This is something that will definitely work for you, if you put in the time – that’s why I made it.
So you could…

Be Social 
Be Sexual 
Live Life

Steve Mayeda
