
Getting Sexual

The Manual

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Let’s get this straight…it is all about sex.  It is all about good sex.

This isn’t about cheap sex with some chick that you can brag to your friends about.

This is about the most efficient way to get sexual, feel good about it, have the woman think you were one of the best sexual partners of her life and feel like a man in all the ways you might have over just thought were myths.

If you’re not a sexually active guy, read on, but be sure for bookmark this for the days to come.

If you are sexual active, whether that is in a relationship or your ‘dating’ or however you’re having sex, read this, do this and then live like a sexual god.

Seriously guys, change your lives.  Change the women’s lives you’re with.

This was a podcast that was recorded right after we recorded this podcast [TSL Podcast 142].  They accent each other big time.
It was our New Years Eve TSL Online call, and one of the last recordings of 2016.

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  1. Situation
  2. Getting Sexual

If you want to have sex in all the right ways you need 2 things.

You need to create the situation and you need to know how to start it all (get sexual).

This means you need to create a situation where you are alone

Don’t have things triggering her resistance (judgment, safety, what her friends might think, her reputation, making a bad choice with her sexuality & femininity, attracting another bad guy…etc)

You need to also learn how to get her Turned On!

This is done through building Tension.  I know a lot of people say this, but I am going to break ‘Tension’ down for you, clearly and in a way you will get if you’re willing to try it.

DO NOT – Make Sexual Move in Public

Why would you do this?  People do this because it seems cool, you can brag about it and for a guy it makes sense.  But it is not just ‘Not the BEST WAY’, it can cause a lot of problems.  So why would we do things like – Make out with a girl in front of people she might know, Get sexual in a public setting where we can’t finish and ‘cave man’ girls in a place we can’t engage completely in sex?

There’s a much better way to follow –

DO – Wait for the right situation

You want to get sexual in a place where you can complete sex.  That means in a bedroom or some other place you can have sex.  If you are in a place like club you build sexual tension!  There’s a difference.

Getting Sexual through Tension

Tell the Secret

This is pretty simple.  In a normal conversation with a girl stop the conversation and do what we call ‘an interrupt’ and say something like –

‘Hey I have a secret…’

Then get in the body position to tell a secret (usually check to check) then say –

For going into Rapport – “You remind me of my friend, she always picked the wrong guys, but I can tell I will get along with you really well.”

For Building Sexual Tension – “If nobody was here right now, I’d bend you over that pool table and fuck you right now”

There’s a ton of these, I rattle off a few in the podcast…watch it.  Or Download the Seducing the Female Mind


Touch & Control by Waist

Many people think there is a certain way to sexually touch that works like a ladder.  It doesn’t it is much more simple than that.  You touch and control by the waist and hips.  You get your lower bodies to touch more than your upper bodies.  If you can hold this position you will build sexual tension without really doing much.

Now you don’t just want to hold their waist, there is an art to it.  I’m making a video series all on this and it will clear all this up for you.

Get Bellies to Touch

This is the best sexual resistance technique I know.   It is also the oldest.  Way back when in the old PUA chronicles people wrote about this.  Then pick up became about attention and not getting laid.

If you’re in the bedroom with a girl and there’s some resistance then if you get your bare belly to touch her bare belly she will melt for a second.  Seriously try it.  It is awesome.

If that works, guess what…if you do it (even if clothes are covering you) in a bar and can hold it for a few seconds you will see her glaze over and show her feminine side.  It is a great feeling.

Start (& STOP) Sexual Tension

Tension for women needs to start and stop.  It has to stop.  You have to stop it.  If you do not stop it, she will and she will leave.

That means if things start to get uncomfortable, you need to back off and make her feel good about her being with you, safe, not judged, proud to be a woman that can feel open to you.  There’s a lot that is situational to this, but that is more the reason to post about your experiences on the AMD Board [CLICK HERE].

Put Sex on the Table & Take it Off

If you put sex on the table, verbally or physically then you need to know you’re going to get some resistance.  Once you get that resistance take the sex off the table.  You have got to make sex a CHOICE that they act on, and not something PUT ON them by you.

Bring Up the Sense (Via the Dick)

In the podcast we talk about using the senses to build a relationship with your dick. The ‘dick’ is TABOO in our culture but man, it is the thing you gotta do.  You KEY here is that you bring up that SHE makes you turned on and then you can talk about your dick all you want.  Once she knows that she is turning you on this is now personal.  If she doesn’t leave once this is established then you can talk about (in private) about how she makes you had, how it looks, smells, tastes and so on.  I’m serious, this is the total time bomb of sexuality.  And just because I know a bunch of PUA dudes read this – NO DO NOT DO THIS IF SHE ISN’T ENGAGED IN THE FACT THAT ‘SHE’ HAS MADE YOU AROUSED.


Ok that is enough for now.

Watch the Podcast

Take Notes


if you have questions first Download this and READ IT

It will help massively in how the psychology of sex works in women.

Once you’ve done that, shoot me an email – steve@thesexuallife.com

This is about living a good sex life folks.
It is all something you can do and if you don’t, you’re just going to be a pissed of angry dude that thinks nothing works.  What I put out works.  So do it!
