
There is no Shame in Sex

There is no Shame in Seduction

There is no Shame in Sexuality

There is Shame in being fake, hiding and living a lie.

I guess I can be a pretty in your face guy when it comes to different aspects of Seduction. Seduction is a beautiful thing.

In fact everything about the Industry could be good, but for some reason people end up more manipulative, frustrated and often times more pissed off than they started. The Sexual Life has nothing to do with that. The Sexual Life means you live a life full of fulfilling experiences and sexual experiences.


The Problem

It seems like day after day I keep hearing about guys teaching in the industry dropping out because they feel their time in the PUA industry was ‘childish’, ‘immature’ or ‘shameful’.  (Note the key phrase in there “their time”.) There is nothing like Sex to bring up the deep dark demons within a person.

The funny thing is that Sex should be bringing up the best in a person. You see this in women and men. For me this has been the greatest part about Seduction, it forced me to change as a man, and human being.  Believe me it brought all of my crap to the surface.

In the end – Life is meant to be lived, Sex is meant to be had and the more we fear an action or experience the more that fear will own us.

There is NO Shame in wanting a better sex life.

There is NO Shame in wanting to experience sex in ways that you have never experienced it

There is NO Shame in seeking out ways to improve your social skills so that you can find better sex partners.

We should be fulfilled in all of those ways. In order to get the most out of your sex life, you don’t need to do anything deceptive. In fact you need to be yourself. So where is the shame in Pick Up? Where do we find the self-loathing and self-hate and shame? Where does this all become stupid, desperate and a joke?


The Solution


First –

Authenticity is the road to freedom.

I know this is a word that is thrown around a lot. What I mean by this is you are 100% who you are with what is in front of you. You’re not fantasizing about reality, you’re not misrepresenting yourself, and when you’re intimate with someone, it is YOU that is being intimate.

Since when did being a sexual person have to be a front?

Since when did you have to lie about who you were, trick a girl, or be something you’re not just to get laid?

You can have an awesome sex life that holds no boundaries while being yourself. Any girl that I interact with knows who I am, and what I do.

The women in my life are some of the best people I know. I am up front with who I am and the work I do.

Because its me and there is noting to be ashamed of. A few of my friends were traveling in Europe over the summer and happened upon some of my fellow PUA instructor friends. They were all amazed that they knew me. Later those girls emailed me telling me, “How well do you know those guys? They were some of the worst people we have met on this whole trip. I can’t believe they do the same thing as you, they’re not normal.”

It always surprises me when I hear about people needing to be disrespectful or deceptive in order to explore and experience one of the greatest gifts of life – Sex.


Second –

Practice Seduction over Value

You need to realize one of the biggest flaws in the PUA Industry is the idea of Value. Don’t get me wrong, there is value. It’s very important, in fact. But you must realize that you are the value. The more you look at something outside of yourself to define you, the more frustrated, lost and humbled by seduction you will be.

The is what ‘social value’ promotes. Seduction and socializing are completely different than ‘social value’. Seduction and socializing are not commodities. Seduction and socializing don’t have mechanical parts you can interchange. They are organic and move through humans and emotions.

Seduction is a human urge that is within us all. There isn’t a transaction that makes your dick hard or a pussy wet, but there is a way of communicating that two people from opposite sides of a geo-political spectrum that can turn each other on with.

The more you play the value game, the more you can’t help but feel trapped and astray. When you are lost, all you feel are your defects, shame, guilt, anger and self-pity.


Last but not least –

You can’t feel shame about something that’s not there.

The best place to start is look at yourself.

Your anger, shame, happiness and joy aren’t new feelings.

The more you feel them the more you’re going to be able to feel them.

Your emotions and perspectives are like muscles, the more you use them the stronger they are. If you suppress them, then just like constantly putting resistance on a muscle group, that muscle will get stronger. You need to let your emotions flow, and not hold them back. This the true art, to let things go and let things be.

Don’t deny, repress, or control. Let things be and let things transform and change. If you’re someone who feels like ‘shit’ then you need to get ‘shit’ out of your life. Being inauthentic and false is the enemy of Seduction.

If you’re being sexual with someone and you’re not honest, your lack of honesty will be brought to the surface. Your toxicity will be placed right in front of your face. If you’re embarrassed, ashamed or afraid of the sexual life you lead, then you might want to look at why you need shame, embarrassment or fear in order to be sexual, because you don’t.

Over the years I have built a few friendships in the Industry.  I have gained a ton of close friendships with the women I meet, the clients I have and the different teachers in the Industry. What is so great about my experience in the Industry is the close contacts and life changing experiences I have had.

Sadly I will say, among the fellow instructors out there it is hard to find more than a handful you can come to respect. There is a ton of guilt, shame and lost men out there leading the masses.

Hopefully one day that will change.

Seduction is a divine act. It is more purely human than most things out there we consume our lives with.

If you try and control Seduction, you’ll find that it doesn’t play so nice.

If you see it in that divine light then your actions will bring you peace and fulfillment.