
The Change is up to You-

So I got this comment on my blog from an old school PUA GoneSavage (GS) the other day… He lives in Austin and I had met him at a Lair talk there over a year ago. This started a flurry of emails back an forth. I will write more on him later, but his emails made...


theREDstack Reviews–El Topo’s RED stack is an atomic bomb of game. Lumberjack76- San Antonio, TX–I’ve done about 30 sets since getting the stack (using only the first half of it because I haven’t had the time to memorize it all yet) and...

I like what I see…

So today I opened up my email box and I saw an email from MMAPUA and it made me smile… then later I visited Nektar’s Blog and saw something else I liked. MMAPUA was emailing me about Daniel Goleman’s book Emotional Intelligence. When I started in...

5 Things you NEED to Know to Blast into Rapport

Just like they always said their were ‘Attraction Switches’, I never knew why they never said their were ‘Comfort’ or ‘Seduction’ Switches? One thing I will say is in the last version of theREDstack (going off the market in the next few weeks) I include Comfort and...

Some interesting commentary….

I am actually about to post something really cool on Game, but this email came to my email box and I thought I would post it. Let’s keep that ‘community gossip train’ going! So I posted yesterday some commentary about PUAs and Lifestyle. I really...