
A Month in Seduction

So guys this is a new thing my old student Negatron and I came up with. Actually a bunch of people put in their 2 cents on this one. So in this month I am going to be mixing Blog Posts with my List all on Seduction. I have some really awesome Audio that is being...

Updates from Austin

Hey Guys! I apologize for the long delay since updating this blog, but believe me-things have been CRAZY! I have been spending a lot of time bouncing back in between Austin, and DFW and I guess Chicago last week, reorganizing and working on new things. I’ve been in a...

Text Message Game Part 3.1

Text Game Part 3.1 Compliance and Framing This is the 3erd part of Text Game- There are 3 distinct parts to Part 3 of Text Message Game (Framing and Compliance, Dominance and Logistics). This is the first, and it is more Attraction Based, you can try this stuff RIGHT...

TEXT MESSAGE GAME 3 is out and FRIDAY Teleseminar

Hey Guys, I just sent out Text Message Game Part 3.1 to my email list. And it looks like I might have to either add more line to the teleseminar tomorrow or do a second call. I am not sure yet… But sign up on my list to stay posted. There are a few more articles...

Teleseminar on Friday

Hey Guys, I am having a Teleseminar on this Friday April 24th at 8pm CST. If you want to be on it you need to sign up HERE! The voicing of this call will be to go over specific things that you can start practicing in the Field That night. It is based on the new...